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Program of optimization OPTI-K

Purpose and possibility of program

    Program Opti-K is intended for the searching local minimum of multivariable target functions at presence of nonlinear constrains vector on optimize parameters.

It can be used for the calculation of optimum designs of devices, allowing mathematical modeling occurring in them processes, for instance, in tasks of electronics, electrodynamics etc.
User must form only one procedure on Delphi, in which calculating a target function and constrains vector.

    In the program Opti-K may be used the following methods of first-order optimization with variable metrics:
- method quickest descant;
- method of conjugate gradients;
- method of first rank;
- Davidone-Fletcher-Powell method;
- Goldfarb method.

    Account of constrains is based on methods of separation  parameters and projection gradients.

    Program Opti-K gives a chance free including the parameters in the number optimized, in her is automatically corrected initial relief to target functions, in the process of optimization possible to create checkpoints that when deciding the greater tasks allows to conduct an optimization in stages.
    Program is written on the programming language Delphi 3.0 and can function both an independent programme unit, and in the manner of the block Unit, which can be enclosed in any other program on Delphi. Program can function under controling of   MS Windows 95-98 (NT).
    Program Opti-K comprises of itself general block “Unitopt” and two blocks “Unitopt1” and “Uniopt2” with forms “Formopt1” and “Formopt2”. In the first form the parameters of optimization are defined. In the second form the current values of optimizing parameters and information to controls of the  optimization process may be changed.

The order for the program Opti-K send to E-Mail:

Its price $50 USA with source text.