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Kolosov Stanislav V., Ass. Professor in Belarus state university of informatic and radioelectronics.

Address: Odintcova 71-2-32, Minsk, Republic Belarus, 220136,
Mail address: 140, p/ξ 136, Minsk, Republic Belarus, 220136,
The telephone home: (375-17) 258-13-42

Physical vacuum electronics engineering, optimization, irregular waveguides, millimeter waves, high-power Gyrotrons, GyroKlystrons, relativistic TWT, Gyrotons, mathematical modelling, object programming, Syndrom diagnostics.


mathematical modelling and optimization of processes in microwaves high-power electronic devices
syndrom diagnostics.

Selected Publications

  1. Kuryaev A.A.., Kovalev I.S. and Kolosov S.V., Numerical Methods of optimization in problems of an electronics engineering of a MICROWAVE, “Science and engineering ”, 1975, Minsk.
  2. Kurayev A.A., Kolosov S.V., Stekolnikov A.F., Slepyan G.Ya., Slepyan A.Ya., “ TWT- gyrotrons: Nonlinear theory, optimization and analysis ”, Int. J. Electronics, 1988, v.65, no.3, pp.437-462.
  3. Kolosov S.V., Kurayev A.A., Burcev A.A., “ Gyroton with gyroresonance waveguide absorbtent of energy ”, Radio Engineering and electronics engineering ”, 1990, ς.35, N11, pp.2369-2375.
  4. Kolosov S.V., Kurayev A.A., Slepyan A.Ya., Zakalukin A.B., “ Gyrotrons: relativistic, E and H modes, output converter design ”, Int. J. Electronics, 1992, v.72, no.5 and 6, pp.1103-1117.
  5. Kolosov S.V., Kurayev A.A., “ Gyroklystron with a Cavity Operating at the Second Harmonic of Working Frequency in Buncher ”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 1997, v.18, no.6, pp.254-257.
  6. Kolosov S.V., Kurayev A.A., "Nonlinear theory of gyroresonance devices with irregular waveduide", Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems, Moskaw,1998, v.3, no.1, pp.35-44.